Monday, September 19, 2011

Our Son.......The Future Chef!

Last night our 14 year old son and aspiring chef, RJ, made dinner.......General Tso's Chicken, and it was delicious!
Ever since he was a little boy, RJ has always wanted to be a chef, saying he wanted to be just like Emeril Lagasse, who he watched faithfully on Food Network. As he's gotten older, Emeril is still a favorite, but RJ has a list of chefs he likes, including one I loved as a child growing up "The Galloping Gourmet", Graham Kerr. RJ's always had an interest in cooking and isn't afraid to experiment with food or want to try a recipe that's caught his eye, and he takes direction well which will help him later on when he goes to cooking school!
We went to the store to pick up a few items we didn't have on hand, and once we got home and the chicken was thawing, RJ got started on the marinade. Once the chicken thawed and he got it cut into small pieces he added it to the marinade, covered the bowl and put it in the fridge, then made the sauce to go over the chicken.
A few hours later my husband, Bill, got the oil heating up, and RJ got the eggs beaten and the breading ready for the chicken. Once the oil was ready, our 12 year old daughter, Megan, started breading the chicken for RJ. I cooked some of the chicken to get things going and showed him how long to cook it, then let him do the rest, reminding him to be very careful around that hot oil. Never hurts to repeat that.
Busy cooks!
Chicken cooking away!
The sauce.......
Happy smiles! Nice job guys!
Our dinner!

We're so proud of RJ, and Megan for jumping right in to help him out. It's nice to see brothers and sisters working together and helping each other, but then they've always gotten along really well. Makes a proud mom smile!
I know RJ will make a great chef and maybe, just maybe.......we'll see him on the Food Network one day!

This post is part of the "On My Mind" feature over at Down To Earth.


  1. I wish my teenage boy would cook occassionaly. His idea is to open a can of soup. Jumped over from D2E.

  2. Hi Deb!
    I've always been surprised that my son has continued to be so taken with cooking, and I hope it will take him far in life. I had to chuckle about the comment you made about your son. I thought it was cute! :)
    Thanks so much for stopping by.

  3. Well done RJ and Megan! Both my sons are fine dining chefs and they started out doing exactly what RJ is doing. Keep going RJ, it's a fine career.

  4. Hi Rhonda,
    I'll be sure and tell him about your sons.
    I encourage RJ all the time with his cooking because he just loves it and he's serious about it. It's not often that kids say, "I want to be this, or I want to be that", and not change their minds a hundred times. Megan isn't as serious, but she's definitely not afraid to cook and try new things. It's just fun watching them both. :)
